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    قراءة الفنجان ومعرفة حظك اليوم

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    الأربعاء، 22 فبراير 2017

    Dream lake

    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة البحيرةDream lake

    "Lake: shows with a woman who loves the direct left, because the lake and parked does not take place, a kill is not where you pay. Wave intensity and suffering, says: "" Gshehm waves Kzll "." He says: "" and if their Wave "." And narrated the merchant felt like walking into the sea blown severe panic to the prestige of the sea, began to tell his vision on the crossing. He said: If you want to travel, you infect the good. So that his vision indicates the stability of its affairs. And he saw a man who was sea water Gad until banks are made emerged. Vqsa the son of Masada said, to be a scourge on the floor by the caliph, or drought in countries, or robbed money caliph. What was only a small
    even kill the Caliph and looted money and Qahtt countries. It felt like a get out of Sea Pearl King benefited from money or ongoing or note. If he saw that the sea water or other water increased even exceeded the limit of the meaning of the tide even entered the role, houses and cottages, looked out at the people drowning, it is there is a great temptation. The origin of the water and are often the temptation, because God called primacy and abundance tyranny, and said that drowning indicates to commit a great calamity and show heresy, and death in the drowning death on blasphemy. The infidel if he deems it sank into the water, it believes, says: "" Even if he catches drowning he believed, "" verse. It felt like sinking into the sea and sank the Sultan destroy him. Felt like the sinking and make the dive time and floats back and move his hands and legs, it is obtained wealth and state. The saw out of him if he did not drown it due to religion is, especially if he saw the same green garments. It was of the view that died drowned in the water and drowning Kadh enemy in pure water sinking in many money. As for swimming: it is felt that swim in the sea and was a world of science was in need, the mainland swam in it and locked up in his cell to obtain a tight and stay in it as difficult as swimming or ease, as far as his strength. The view that swim in a valley flat until the subject wants it enters in the work of an unjust ruler Jabbar ask him to spend his need and unable to him and entrust him to God as Jarayeh in the valley. The authority is afraid he feared it also survived, although it escapes him, and entered the depths of the sea and the best swim where it enters the great big order, mandate and be able to obtain the king and attributed the power. If it swam on the scruff of his neck repent and turn from sin. He swam is afraid lest it undermine or disease or imprisonment in so far beyond the mainland. Although he thought he did not escape from it, he dies in that carefree, though bold in Spahth it delivers from that work. Although Sultan saw that he wanted to swim in the sea and the sea turbulent router it is fighting a king of kings, the sea swim cut it killed the king. And all the sea or a river or valley dried it go from the state attributed to him, the state returned the water returned. It was if a person felt like had escaped from the water pool before his attention from his sleep is better than to heed a swim in the water. It was said of felt like a swim, contending with the opponent and defeated his opponent and insist on it. Walking above the water in a sea or river indicates good health of his religion and his belief, and was told it is certain that it is in doubt, and was told to travel books of the risk to the assigned. It felt as if the water on its surface is being hit by the scourge of Sultan function on hanging a man who not only has an estimated Bmlatefh, to its neighbors and authority. And idle it easier Mrama and is gentler, and demonstrates the Warrior cutter for the road, it was traveling cut it the way a thief or a lion, or his mind about his rain or Sultan or the owner of a toll. Though present-he fought his chagrin and calamity says: "" Mbtelicm River. "" The Sultan submit to it, especially if it entered. Either Asjnh or order to beat him or bestowed grief if he had bestowed upon him Almighty, or prevented from salvation from his movement, either disease is located from the cold or hydrocephalus, how if it was in the winter and had its water Kadra, he is most of all as evidenced by, The cut and Jaozh or out of him survived all that is in it of grief and sickness, and all as evidenced by the misfortunes and sorrows. He drew drank from the river, hit the money from a dangerous man Kkdr that river. It entered the river from hitting its bottom solving or clay, stroke are the same man as a case that the river in the rivers. It cut a river to the other side, two or terrifying or cut him out of fear of it that was in it and resolve. "

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