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    قراءة الفنجان ومعرفة حظك اليوم

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    الثلاثاء، 21 فبراير 2017

    Learn to read the cup Part II

    Learn to read the cup Part II
    In the previous article on the methods and symbols of the assets of the cup to read, and in this article Sntamq more interpretation of the symbols that will appear for us in the cup
    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة فنجان القهوة
    First will be maintenance of the cup in the same way that caught the mustache cup and the same place.

    Secondly, you should say when lifting the cup (the name of Allah the Conqueror) and is divided into 4 sections Cup in mind.

    The interpretation of these four quarters is as follows:

    * Lower right quarter is a quarter of the body:

    It is the first thing we start him and find him either personal mustache cup or personal specifications defined, and shapes that may appear in a quarter of the body either be similar to people in the form of a man or a woman, or images forms of animals may appear. And animal forms in this quarter indicate indicate the following:

    Crow and cat and a snake and a wolf shows look envy or charm.

    Dog chains, a stone indicates chronic diseases.

    As for the presence of empty spaces dealing with emotional and physical health.

    The presence of intermittent spaces means a temporary disease.

    * Upper right quarter is a quarter of the money:

    And often it appears with forms either square or rectangular

    Square shapes scattered means that this person is living a lot.

    The rectangular formats high it means that living a few.

    * The upper left quarter is a quarter of the future:

    It matters more people appear forms are described as follows:

    The presence of the candle means hope.

    The presence of loops or rings means marriage.

    The existence of forms resembling fish means good news.

    The presence of bird means to travel.
    * The upper left quarter is the quarter:

    It is simply the social and psychological situation of all aspects, whether through the present or the future as well as current personal problems exist, and the successes achieved in the past.
    In general, there is a diversity of shapes that form in the cup between numbers and letters and straight lines and images of animals and birds.

    But keep in mind that the images in a cup of coffee will not be photos, but appear mostly incomplete and hazy.

    Now, we will give you some of the most common symbols in reading the cup:

    Apples, which demonstrates the success of the study and obtain a certificate.

    Soaring birds carry good news.

    Candle means the emergence of the truth of what.

    Cat is a friend Ooukrab deceiver.

    The dog is a loyal friend or relative.

    If a plane paper in the cup emerged was that Bishara verification aspirations.

    If the back of the crow that was a premonition of death or bad news.

    If there has been very clear circles with four points out, this means that a woman who Tbesrlha Albesarh give birth or soon will be charged, and if the glances for a man, it means one of Alqzaiaaseraah resolved in court.

    As if the circuit is very clear with four points quirky line in the form of a snake undulating or accompanied him or if he is surrounded by a wavy line that circles it means that the baby will be born too smart.

    Promises squares aids success in dealing with the opposite sex.

    As for the crown with the Cross means the death of a person close

    Circles with a cross means opening up the doors of freedom soon

    The four crosses found Oookther it means happiness

    The found three crosses, this represents a success factor in the community regardless of their personal traits

    If any Saliban it means that you will achieve the desired taste.

    The large number of squares mean failure and bad, especially the relationship with your partner!

    Quad with a large cross shape is referring not to the private person who insight for him.

    Circle within a square mean happy marital life.

    And if you find a house under the form of a circle you will own the house soon.

    Sparrow in reading the cup means happiness and safety if he was standing on a branch, but if Aitirvho misery and remorse.

    Reptiles in general Kalovai and lizards, turtles and other well-mouse and cat, all of Atbhr well never as evidenced by the presence of betrayal close partner.

    It warns the wheel is bad or even a disaster.

    The stock is the news from one of the people close to you.

    Window indicate to the death or illness of children.

    And indicate the basket and the network into a loss.

    Spade refers to riches but if he was surrounded by human facets, it means bad and evil coming, but if it was near the spade Cross Oomrba it means the death of a loved one.

    The presence of the flag or the flag as well as the existence of a frog evidence of success

    The presence of the bull and cock and the head man report to the Supreme Ibcrk protection and assistance.

    And some form of two people, one off the other in the cup means mutual love.

    And there are two sides in a circle means a marriage contract, which the two faces separated by a line it means divorce (then you decided to happiness or unhappiness).

    Having eyes mean change of life.

    Having one eye evidence of envy.

    The presence of the candle means hope.

    The existence of the lock poor guide.

    The existence of a disappointment guide key.

    The presence of pots (saucer and the like) means the meeting abruptly.

    The existence of weapons material bodes happily.

    The presence of female shoe or boot means to meet or coming danger.

    The presence of men's hat and a wide parties proof of the pride and honor and respect.

    Shrub: Failed to work.

    A wild animal: poverty.

    Fork: indispensable.

    Mule: suffering.

    Ghazal: the mind and the work of an honest and honorable.

    Chick Duck: Psychological angelic wonderful life partner.

    Wild Goose unexpected money.

    Fly and sentences: indispensable.

    Blossom Violet: Needless years old.

    Elephant: power and wealth.

    A little girl: happiness and love hidden.

    An elderly woman: hot love.

    Crow calamity at home.

    Dog: sincerity.

    Young: Weird.

    Scissors closed: the need is anticipated.

    GLOVES: love will end.

    Dove: the spirit of an innocent.

    Saqr: Nasrallah

    Relationship of the size of the cup to read:

    Pay attention to the size of the icons, and large Valrmoz means larger than small and light the importance of symbols.

    Relationship of the color formats read the cup:

    The color affects the interpretation of symbols white Fallon evidence of good, while the black color indicates the evil.

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