Runnels: Sakia indicate the course of a livelihood, place and caused, Kalhanot, industry and travel and so on. Perhaps indicated sores to supply it with water, they are preceded its course with orchards and possibly shown waterskins and irrigation, to carry the water, and it came to it. And perhaps it indicates a place of pilgrimage by traveling, travelers them like water for the functioning. Perhaps it showed character, because barmaid body. And possibly it is shown on the lives of creatures that were to the public, or the life of her head that was private. It saw legs carried water from outside the city to the inside in a groove pure water and people are ungrateful to God it or drink from its water and filling their vessels ones, see to them, the were in the epidemic evacuated them and supplied them with God to life, though they are in the severity of God came to them prosperous, either permanently by rain or the company of food, though not a bit of it finding the company of a lot of money to buy goods and Lakeside have the baggage, though
discharged Gueddar or salty or out on the waterwheel is harmful to people, it ill serves the people and evil in them, either sickness in Kalzkam fever in the winter and in the summer, or news hated on travelers, or the spoils of haram money and malicious interference as far as the vision and Xiaodadtha. But the one who saw her going to his home or his shop, Vdliha return it in his own, as far as its water purity and good neighbors and moderation. It saw her going into his garden or Vdanh considered the situation, it was Azba married or bought going to marry, it was his wife or ongoing intercourse with her and carried him to drink his land or his orchard or grew poem, though he saw neighbors Hanaa other than being Runnels him, if It discharged the blood of his family to marry anyone else, either married to or after the band as much as in the case and increase his sleep. Some of them said: waterwheel that plugged one man does not sink in, it is a good life for those king, especially if the lack of water from the limited run its course in the ground, overflowed its banks left and right, it is they and sadness and crying for the people of that place, as well as if it were the waterwheel in through the role and the houses they a good life for people. Narrated that a man saw a barmaid filled fertilize and sweepings, was taking a shovel and clean the waterwheel and washed with water a lot, to be Jarayeh water in fast net, introduced to him that it has become tomorrow's has Ahtguen and easier nature. Pelvic: Man Sultan Sharif Nafa, a basin full of saw it gain the dignity attributed generous man. It does wudoo him it escapes them.You are visitor number
الأربعاء، 22 فبراير 2017
Dreams of Ibn Sirin
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