Sea: The sea Fdal on all of his power over the creation, kings and sultans and the tax collectors and the rulers, scientists, and Sadat and lives of its strength and great danger, and took him and his tender, wealth and knowledge of its water, and directed his men or Solath or his arguments and his orders, and the thickness of his flock, and his men Orezagh and his money or accountability and judgment, and Dwabh his commanders and his aides and his disciples, and his ships Asakereh and dwellings and wives and Trustees
and Tjarath and Hawwanath or written and Massahvh and doctrine. Perhaps Del sea on the world and the horrors of Taiz one and funded, and impoverish and kill another, and today is owned and kill him tomorrow, and pave the way to him today and Tsrah beyond. The ships markets and seasonality ongoing and her travels, sings some people and impoverish others. The winds livelihoods and Okabbalha and accidents and Toargaha and Osagamha, thick and livelihood, and nor the beasts thereof and Dwabh pests and Toargaha and kings and Sosa, and prompt concerns and Vtnea. Authority if it was in the summer and in the sea, or swim in science and mixes with the scientists, or expanding the money and trade as Rosary at sea and Aqtdarh on the water, the sinking of the case and did not die in drowning and injury Almighty or distress, sailing in what is in it, and drowned him as saying so and so in this world and drowned in bliss and knowledge and with the Sultan, the Shi died drowning mangle his religion and an evil intent in required, for the meeting of the generator and drowning. But if his income or swam in it in the winter and cold or while Artjajh, down by the scourge of the Sultan either prison or suffering, or bestowed disease and ascites damaging winds, or get in the deadly strife. The sinking at the time, was killed in Mahlth or mess up his religion in the strife. It took a hundred or drank was acquired by collecting money from the Sultan, like him, or gain from the lower toward him. It entered the sea from hitting its bottom solving or clay, stroke are the greatest king of the Sultan or that place. It is cut off sea or river to the other side and cut in whispers or terrifying fear him from it. Some of them said: Who saw the sea hit something had hoped, and saw that he fought the sea, it enters in the king's action and have him on tricked, the drink a whole one hundred It owns the minimum age for too long, and hit like a king money or such authority, or be the counterpart of his property. The drink until Roy him it receives from King Mala Atamol do with the length of his life and his strength, it drew him it sought from the King act and bestowed much as gleaned from them, they poured in a vase it earns a lot of money from the king or God gives him the state collects the money, and the state stronger, broader and Edom from the sea, because it is the gift of God. It is bathed from the sea, he atones for his sins and his main concern goes to King. One pal into the sea, it resides on the sins. He saw the sea from afar, it felt horrible, and told him about something hoped for. And see the sea calm is better than to be a turbulent waves.You are visitor number
الأربعاء، 22 فبراير 2017
Dreams of Ibn Sirin
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