Tigris: it is to drink its water, it was the ministry that receives from her family, and that affects the minister's capital. It is felt that drinking water from the Euphrates received the blessing and a benefit and a blessing. The saw that the water of the Euphrates has dried up, it dies caliph or his money goes, and perhaps interpretation signed the Minister of the caliph. It is a drink from the Nile River, it receives gold as much as drinking. It is believed that the water flooded the valley is not to drown in it, it is to fall ill g Ghalib. Although out of him survived the gloom, though human opinion whatsoever on the water of the river snatched or something Dwabh or luggage or goes by, it is harmful and losing him, the thought was going to his home river net water, it is indicated by the left of the purse, and is told that the rich man bug endure and benefit be for the people of the house. But if the river is out of his house and people drink it, it is that he is rich or a honor, it shows the good and the benefits are of it to the people of the country Ickramhm spent on them and comes home folk, many in need and obtain from it the benefit, though his vision is poor, it expels his wife or son or none of his house because of the weight or ugly act. The view that being home water del net to the left and Money
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الأربعاء، 22 فبراير 2017
Dreams of Ibn Sirin
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